Member Discount Benefits

Making the business decision to be a Chamber member can mean many things for your business. As a member you are entitled to belong to the group plans listed below:

The Group Insurance Plan

Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade across the country have joined together to provide an insurance plan for company employees, from the one person business to the larger firm. The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce is the master policy holder organization in Saskatchewan.

There are no industry restrictions: If you are a member of a participating Chamber or Board, the national group insurance program can provide a wide range of benefits at competitive rates. The plan can open doors for your firm, offering benefits normally reserved for large companies.

A hard copy of information can be mailed upon request or you can go to their website at:

The contact person for Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan is:
Brenda Fedyk
Group Insurance & Pension Administrator
Manulife Securities/Spectra Financial
Telephone:  (306) 634-7979
Fax:  (306)636-2267