(306) 435-2988

E-Billing Consent Form
The personal information requested on this form is being collected under The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information will be collected, used and disclosed only to confirm identity or contact information within the Town of Moosomin, or if required to submit to a debt collector. If you have any questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in this process, please contact the Town of Moosomin at (306) 435-2988.
Town of Moosomin E-Billing Terms and Conditions:
When enrolling in the e-billing service, you agree to receive an electronic bill in place of your paper bill from the Town of Moosomin.
You must have a valid e-mail address to use e-billing and provide us with this current address to which you would like your bill to be sent. The privacy and accuracy of that e-mail address is entirely your responsibility. It is your responsibility to ensure that your junk mail filters allow mail to be received from ebill.moosomin@sasktel.net. Should your e-mail address become invalid or if you want your bill sent to another e-mail address or if your service address changes, it is your responsibility to notify the Town of Moosomin by filling out a new application. If you wish to cancel e-billing you must notify our office. Any change or cancellation does not terminate any obligation to the Town of Moosomin.
The Town of Moosomin reserves the right to refuse the e-billing service to anyone, for any reason, and to modify or discontinue the e-billing service at our discretion. The Town of Moosomin cannot guarantee uninterrupted e-billing service and makes no guarantee as to the operation, availability, functionality or that it will be free from error or disruption of service, or otherwise. The Town of Moosomin reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions.
If you have any questions contact our office at (306) 435-2988 and return completed form to Town of Moosomin office.

E-Billing Consent Form