(306) 435-2988

Loraas Disposal is doing residential garbage and recycling pickup for the Town of Moosomin.
Rules for Garbage Pickup
Garbage pickup for the Town of Moosomin will be every TUESDAY.
Park the cart for pickup by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Ensure that cart is 1 metre (3 feet) clear of all obstacles and not blocking traffic.
If there is a snow bank built up along the curb, make sure the container is out further than the snow.
All garbage must be in tied bags in Loraas disposal bin.
Wheel out your cart with its lid closed. You must be able to close the lid without packing the cart too tightly, otherwise the emptying of the cart will be more difficult.
Place the cart roadside by 7:00 a.m. on collection day.
Your garbage collection day won’t change, but the collection time might, so please be sure to have your cart out by 7:00 am. on your collection day.
Return the emptied cart to your property before the end of the day.
Do not remove the cart from its assigned address.
Inform Loraas Disposal of any damage, vandalism or theft of the cart. It is important to note the serial number stamped on the cart placed at your residence.
Garbage Pickup Days
Gray: Tuesday Pickup
Curbside Recycling
Loraas Disposal and the Town of Moosomin are pleased to announce the start of residential curbside recycling.
Recycling Schedule
Park the cart for pickup by 7:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Ensure that cart is 1 metre (3 feet) clear of all obstacles and not blocking traffic. If there is a snow bank built up along the curb, make sure the container is our further than the snow.

Residential Garbage
& Recycling Pickup
Recycling Schedule
Route A: Both sides of Broadway Avenue and homes to the NORTH of Broadway Avenue
Route B: All homes SOUTH of Broadway Avenue
Route A: Both sides of Broadway Avenue and homes to the NORTH of Broadway Avenue
Route B: All homes SOUTH of Broadway Avenue.
General Guidelines
Use your recycle cart for the storage and collection of approved recyclables only.
Do not bag or tie your recyclables.
Do not pack material too tightly.
Wheel out your cart with its lid closed. You must be able to close the lid without packing the cart too tightly, otherwise the emptying of the cart will be more difficult.
Place the cart roadside by 7:00 a.m. on collection day.
Your recycling collection day won’t change, but the collection time might, so please be sure to have your cart out by 7:00 am. on your collection day.
Return the emptied cart to your property before the end of the day.
Do not remove the cart from its assigned address.
Inform Loraas Disposal of any damage, vandalism or theft of the cart. It is important to note the serial number stamped on the cart placed at your residence.
PLEASE—NO GARBAGE - Only place items that are designated as approved recyclables within the recycle cart. Carts will be monitored and unacceptable items will be left curbside, or your cart will be rejected for collection.

Moosomin Landfill Site Hours:
January - April
Tuesday - Saturday: Noon - 3:45 PM,
Closed Sunday and Monday
Tuesday - Saturday: Noon - 6:45 PM
Sunday: Noon - 4:45 PM
Closed Monday
June - September
Tuesday - Saturday: Noon - 6:45 PM
Closed Sunday and Monday
Tuesday - Saturday: Noon - 6:45 PM
Sunday: Noon - 4:45 PM
Closed Monday
November - December
Tuesday - Saturday: Noon - 3:45 PM
Closed Sunday and Monday
Landfill Use Costs:
Cars (May have a utility trailer):
Non-Resident (Non-Taxpayer): $10.00 per load
Resident (Taxpayer): $5.00 per load​
Trucks - 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 Ton & Under (May have a utility trailer):
Non-Resident (Non-Taxpayer): $20.00 per load
Resident (Taxpayer): $10.00 per load​
1 Ton Truck & Over with Single Axle:
Non-Resident (Non-Taxpayer): $50.00 per load
Resident (Taxpayer): $25.00 per load
​1 Ton Truck & Over with Tandem Axle:
Non-Resident (Non-Taxpayer): $75.00 per load
Resident (Taxpayer): $37.50 per load​
Non-Resident (Non-Taxpayer): $150.00 per load
Resident (Taxpayer): $75.00 per load​
Payment required on entry. Cash or cheque only.
​Entrance only permitted for residents/taxpayers of the following municipalities:
Town of Moosomin
Town of Fleming
Moosomin Regional Park
RM of Moosomin #121
RM of Martin #122​
Last entry through gate is 15 minutes before close time.
Moosomin Landfill Hours & Fees
What is Single Stream Recycling?Single stream recycling is a system in which households receive one 95 gallon recycle cart in which all approved household recyclables can be placed. These carts provide lots of capacity and an easy closing lid to prevent windblown litter.
What are allowable materials to be recycled?Cardboard, Boxboard, Office Paper, Newsprint, Junk Mail, Magazines and Catalogues Plastic Containers, Milk Cartons & Plastic Milk Jugs, Plastics numbered 1 through 7 (No Food Containers labelled #1) (No oil containers or chemical jugs, no plastic wrap or bags) Glass - Residential Only. (Food and beverage containers – must be rinsed) Tin and Aluminum Cans. (Cans must be clean, with or without labels – no steel or auto parts) The following is a list of items by area to help in knowing what to recycle. Kitchen: Milk jugs & Milk cartons, Creamer cartons & bottles, Paper egg cartons Soup ,Vegetable, and any other food cans, Pie tins, Plastic Juice bottles, Yogurt containers, Salad dressing containers, Cereal boxes, Cardboard boxes – unsoiled Laundry: Laundry soap containers, Spot remover bottles, Bleach containers Bathroom: Shampoo bottles, Body wash bottles, Conditioner bottles, Plastic hair spray bottles, Plastic shaving containers, Toilet paper cores, Tissue boxes, Plastic Pill bottles Office: Office paper, Catalogues, Phone books, Sticky notes, Scrap paper, Cardboard boxes flattened Items not accepted: Styrofoam, Ceramics, Light bulbs, Soiled cardboard, Hazardous chemical containers, Scrap metal, Car parts, Plastic toys or household garbage NO PLASTIC WRAP NO PLASTIC BAGS NO FOOD CONTAINERS LABELLED #1
Do I need to bag the recyclables before putting them in the cart?No, please DO NOT BAG or TIE your recyclables before depositing them into the cart. Bagged or tied materials may be left curbside due to the additional expense that debagging requires.
How should I prepare my recyclables for collection?Flatten all cardboard boxes. Wash and rinse all food and beverage containers. Remove all lids and caps from containers.
Can I place glass, organic material or other material in the carts?No other materials can be accepted until such time that local recycling processors can efficiently process other recyclable materials. Materials not accepted in our program will not be collected and your cart may not be emptied until the offending materials are removed.
What should I do if I have more recyclables than can fit in the cart?Extra recyclables should be kept for your next scheduled pickup. Should you regularly have more material than your carts capacity, please contact Loraas Disposal to arrange for an additional cart.
My normal regular pickup falls on a statutory holiday do I still put out my cart?Loraas Disposal collects on all statutory holidays except New Years Day, Good Friday and Christmas Day. Please check your collection calendar for your scheduled pick up days including holidays.